
Siauliai CCIC provides a wide range of services to companies and individuals.

GS1 barcodes

Our unique identifying numbers and data management system is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world, with over 2 million members in 150 countries. Being not-for-profit organization, GS1 works to develop standards so they keep pace with the changing business and regulatory landscape, so you can grow your business, locally and internationally.

We can help you launch your products to the market faster and trade more effectively.

The first step in getting an official, globally recognizable identifier for bar code (GTIN) is to get a GS1 Company Prefix from a GS1 Member Organization, like GS1 Lithuania.

GS1 has 116 Member Organizations globally.

GS1 Lithuania is one of GS1 member organizations. We are ready to help you with all inquiries related to GS1 products, solutions and services as the basis for creating unique numbers to identify everything in the supply chain. To obtain a GS1 Company Prefix you can contact us, or any of other 115 GS1 MO.

On joining GS1 Lithuania your company will get a global GS1 Company Prefix. This is a unique number that makes your company and each of your products instantly identifiable and unmistakable to your customers around all the globe. By using your GS1 Company Prefix you will be able to create unique identifiers to your products, logistic units, locations, etc. These numbers can be used for bar codes, RFID tags and in electronic communication messages.

If you’d like to join GS1 Lithuania and to sign the contract, please, fill the registration form:

Get a barcode/GTIN

More information: Rasa Kripaitienė ph. 8-41-525504


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