
Europos Komisijos finansuojama ir organizuojama verslo misija į Singapūrą (spalio 22 – 24 d.)
Kvietimas teikti paraiškas į Europos Komisijos finansuojamą ir organizuojamą verslo misiją Singapūre, kuri vyks š.m. spalio 22 – 24 d. Pirminė registracija vyksta iki birželio 18 d. (klasteriams) ir iki liepos 9 d. (mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms).
Išsamesnė informacija yra šioje nuorodoje:
Ir nuorodos žemiau (anglų kalba):
Following the announcement that the 2024 edition of the EU-Singapore matchmaking event will take place in Singapore from 22 to 24 October 2024, we are pleased to inform that the call for expression of interest to join the mission has been published on the website of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP).
This call is targeting cluster organisations and SMEs in the field of Clean Energy and Green Tech, eMobility, Sustainability in Digital Tech and Energy Transition Financing from EU (and non-EU countries participating in the Single Market Programme / COSME Strand).
The deadlines for applications are as follows:
- 18 June 2024: first cut-off date for clusters
- 9 July 2024: deadline for SMEs
Eligibility criteria, application details and further information on the mission can be found on the ECCP website: